Wednesday, August 18, 2010

College? When the hell did this happen?

I don't think its hit me that I will be in college in less than 72 hours. Not even the last day of work high, the torturous round of college shopping with my mother or the goodbye hangouts with people, have made me feel things. And you're suppposed to feel stuff when major steps in your life are taken right? Maybe the part of the brain that gives me emotions is defective. Or maybe I supress everything. But that would be emo and stupid. Maybe its from living with a nuerotic mother who freaks out over everything that I just don't see the point in make a big deal out of things. Ugh now I'm getting introspective and boring. Eff it, let's listen toWarren Zevon...

I got pants yesterday. I had to explain to my mother that jeggings were a combination of jeans and leggings.  Usually I avoid teeny bop trends spawned by mindless corporations who think that mashing two words together will make the brainwashed masses feel less brainwashed and more edgy. But holy crap they are comfortable. Like really comfortable. However, I am still going to protest on principle by referring to them as my really tight comfy pants.

Well the mother is complaining about my dirty room, so I am going to go clean and then decide which books to bring to college. This will be difficult.

Oh and I got my cartilage pierced. Thanks Mary!

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